Join the Team !
With the recent election of Alex Brewer as MP for North East Hampshire and the Hampshire County Council elections coming up next May, now is an exciting time to join the team of Hart Liberal Democrats.
You can participate in whatever way suits you. As a Volunteer delivering Focus newsletters and campaigning material, helping behind the scenes with organisational and support activities (like contributing to the website!), canvassing, or becoming a member and maybe joining the executive team ... or standing as a candidate for the council. Politics is too important to be left in the hands of politicians!
There is plenty for all to do, and everyone makes a difference. New members are always welcome.
Become a volunteer today
We are so pleased you want to join the team. If you already know how you would like to help, let us know below, if not then you can skip those questions and hit the big yellow 'I'm in' button and someone will be in contact. Thank you.